18/65 Checking Account

account features:

  • No monthly maintenance fees
  • Free standard checks
  • Reduced or waived fees on certain services
  • *Not eligible for member rewards.
  • *Not eligible for overdraft
  • *Not an interest-bearing account

Notice for members over the age of 65 or under the age of 18-

In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 171, Section 32B also known as the “18/65 Law,” we do not impose any fee, charge or other assessment against the checking account of any person age 65 or older, or age 18 or younger. You must notify us when you open your account if you are in either of these age groups or if you become eligible for fee waivers at any time during your account holding. Eligible members should contact a member service representative at any one of our branches for assistance. 

You must notify us of your eligibility to receive these benefits. Please notify the Holyoke Credit Union when you open your account(s) if you are in either of these age groups or if you become eligible for fee waivers at any time during your account holding. Eligible persons who have not already registered for this service should contact us by visiting a branch office or by calling us at (413) 561-9600.